City manager takes council on ‘deep dive’ on law enforcement
After over an hour of discussion, the Buellton City Council, in its Thursday, Feb. 27, meeting, decided gave direction on just a couple aspects of the Avenue of Flags Median 3 Conceptual Plans.
The proposed project for the median, which sits at the northernmost section of Avenue of Flags. The item report states the Avenue of Flags Specific Plan calls for this median to be a community gathering space which would include an amphitheater, community building, park space, and town plaza. Staff has been working with a Landscape Design Intern on the conceptual plans, which will be used as the basis for construction drawings to be done by Tetra Tech, the city’s engineering consultant.
City staff asked for direction from council in this meeting on three things: Placement of flags, whether in front or behind the plaza proposed for the median; whether there should be bulb-outs (also called curb extensions), which extend the sidewalk into the parking lane to narrow the roadway and provide additional pedestrian space and visibility at key locations; and choosing between three Art Deco design styles: Classic Moderne, streamlined Art Moderne, and streamlined ’50s Diner.
When the presentation went back to council for questions, Councilmember John Sanchez wondered about the height of the stage and seating at the proposed ampitheater, concerned that the seating would block the view of people not in the stands.
“They have the raised seating like that, I don’t wan’t there to be an obstacle,” he said. City manager Scott Wolfe said there weren’t details on that yet.
When the item was moved to Public Comment, one speaker came forward: Local developer Ed St. George, who has a couple of development project in the works in the area of the proposed median project.
St. George asked if they’re was a financial reason for council to be moving so quickly on the project. Wolfe answered the item was the last stage in a five-year process.
St. George then said he believed any median projects should wait until the buildings are up and the city has a better idea of how the median’s look would be appropriate with the buildings.
“With a large project like that, we should wait and see what the buildings are,” he said. “If there’s any way you can pump the brakes on this progress, I suggest you do that.”
“So you’re concern is the design matching?” Vice Mayor Elysia Lewis asked.
“I’m more concerned they’ll be the elephant in the room,” St. George answered.
Wolfe then said if council wanted to determine some items like landscaping before deciding on the bigger aspects later, it would be fine.
Back to council, Councilmember Hudson Hornick disclosed his ex parte communication with St. George, who said during his time that he was there because Hudson told him it would be on the agenda.
Hornick then questioned the need for an ampitheater, although Sanchez told him the ampitheater was an already approved part of the project and would stay in the project.
Lewis said she wanted to make sure the building were congruous.
“I have a hard time with our Art Deco style,” Lewis said. “If we do it, I want things to match.”
Ultimately, Mayor David Silva said the city had to progress on some of the project’s details, even if they’re small ones.
“For five decades, we’ve talked about the Avenue of Flags and how we will make it look,” Silva said. “I’m concerned if the city pauses, it will have a chilling effect on construction. We have an obligation to move by some fashion.”
No official motion was taken, but staff was directed to move forward with the flags behind the plaza, and put in the bulb outs.
In other items
Wolfe presented a “deep dive” into the city’s law enforecment contract. In giving details of the contract, Wolfe pointed out that contracting saves Buellton money in the long run because the Sheriff’s Department includes and handles aspects of law enforcement (like SWAT, Bomb Squad, and Search and Rescue) at cost to the county, thereby keeping city costs down.
Wolfe also talked about how the latest contract has alleviated some of the problems of past contracts, mainly the cost of what Wolfe called “true-ups,” or unexpected cost, which had been reduced in the new contract.
Council unanimously approved a list of projects to be paid by Measure A money. The projects include Alternative Trans Expenditures: Sidewalk/concrete repairs $50,000; multipurpose trail reserve $10,000; SYVT-Dial-a-ride subsidy $2,000; Wine Country Express $20,000.
Next meeting for Buellton City Council will take place Friday, Feb. 14, at 6 p.m.