Hike raises $13,000 for Circle V Ranch Camp
Staff Report
Circle V Ranch Camp alumni and current staff members as well as family and friends participated in the inaugural Hike4Kids event at the camp on May 20.

Circle V Wrangler Alumni Co-chairs Vicky Lopez and Jasmine Anguiano coordinated the Hike4Kids, raising almost $13,000 so far with donations still welcome.
This first-ever “friendraiser” has raised almost $13,000 to date to help send kids to Circle V Ranch Camp this summer.
More than 180 people have given funds, and more donations are still welcome.
According to event co-chairs Vicky Lopez and Jasmine Anguiano, more than 55 participants of all ages hiked two, four or eight miles starting at the “Circle V blue rock” along the Tequepis Trail in Los Padres National Forest with scenic views of nearby mountains and Cachuma Lake, totaling more than 200 miles as a group.
Participants in Hike4Kids enjoyed sack lunches, a barbeque dinner, movie under the stars and the opportunity for those who wished to camp overnight while enjoying a reunion and fellowship.
The Circle V Ranch Camp fee for six days five nights including lodging, all meals, activities, recreation and supervised fun is $450 per child, and “camperships” (scholarship funds made by individuals and groups’ donations such as from Hike4Kids) are available for qualified campers.
“On behalf of everyone here at Circle V, we are beyond grateful for the efforts of so many who came together and worked so hard to raise funds at Hike4Kids. What a blessing to be able to help make this first-ever alumni friendrasier a reality,” said Camp Director Ray Lopez.

Circle V Ranch Camp Hike4Kids participants gather in front of the cherished “blue rock” before the event.
Founded by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Los Angeles Council in 1945, Circle V is accepting applications and scholarship requests for the 2017 summer camp season. Each of the eight sessions is six days and five nights of traditional, supervised activities for boys and girls ages 7 to 13; and for ages 14-17, a Camper in Leadership Training (CILT) program is available.
2017 Summer session dates and themes are:
– Session One: June 27- July 2 – Pirate Week
– Session Two: July 5-10 – Holiday Week
– Session Three: July 11-16 – Space Week
– Session Four: July 19-24 – Talent Show Week
– Session Five: July 25 -30 – Carnival Week
– Session Six: August 2 -7 – International Week
– Session Seven: August 9-14 – Medieval Week
– Session Eight: August 15 -20 – Adventure Week
Circle V campers enjoy activities including archery, arts and crafts, hiking, swimming in the pool, learning about nature, reading skills, painting, photography, playing baseball, basketball, ping pong, foosball, soccer, miniature golf and campfires, skits and singing.
There is no TV, radio or Internet access to affect the experience. Campers stay in wooden cabins or traditional canvas tents. Three nutritious daily meals served family-style in the Dining Lodge are not only for food but also for more camaraderie and fellowship. For more info, visit www.CircleVRanchCamp.org