Staff Report


Los Padres National Forest officials today announced that a stream crossing removal project on the Santa Lucia Ranger District will temporarily restrict public access to the Davy Brown Campground from August 19 through August 26 to provide for visitor and employee safety.

The four developed campsites on the far west end of the Davy Brown Campground will be closed to the public while the low-flow concrete stream crossing in Munch Creek is removed. Access on Davy Brown Trail will also be closed to visitors during this time. The remaining campsites at the Davy Brown Campground will remain open during project implementation.

The purpose of the Davy Brown and Munch Creek aquatic organism restoration project is to restore migration corridors for aquatic species within the Sisquoc River watershed and improve recreational and vehicular safety at the road stream crossings. The two low-water crossings on Davy Brown Creek at Upper and Lower Sunset Valley Road will be removed and replaced with free span bridges during summer 2021.

Rehabilitating inadequate stream crossings that impede access to all spawning and rearing habitats is essential in protecting aquatic organisms, including federally endangered Southern California steelhead and threatened California red-legged frog.

For additional information, please contact the Santa Lucia Ranger District at (805) 448-6487.