By Raiza Giorgi
Two days after the first reports of businesses being burglarized in Los Olivos, another incident happened to several more on the other side of town, according to local business owners.
“Whomever burglarized us last night took some tip money as well as some keys so we had all the locks changed today. We are staying here tonight,” said Jaime Dietenhofer, owner of Figueroa Mountain Brewing Co. in Los Olivos.
Dientenhofer said several other locations were hit including their neighbors Sides Harware and Shoes, however the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department hasn’t released the information as to how many or the extent of the items taken.
This comes as several buildings were burglarized between the evening of Monday, Jan. 7 and the early morning hours of Tuesday Jan. 8.

Whomever attempted to break into the Los Olivos Berkshire Hathaway office failed as their drill bit snapped off in their deadbolt.
Photo by Stacey Rivera
Sheriff’s deputies received a report that a business has been broken into in the 2900 block of San Marcos Avenue in Los Olivos. Deputies responded and upon further inspection of the business and surrounding offices in the business complex, determined that three other offices in the complex and two nearby businesses also located in the 2900 block of San Marcos Avenue had all been impacted, according to Kelly Hoover, spokeswoman for the Sheriff’s Department.
“The unknown suspect(s) forced entry to gain or attempt to gain access to the establishments. Four of the six were burglarized. Various items were stolen from the businesses,” Hoover said.
The law office of Matt Allen was broken into and the thief(s) stole two rolls of stamps and some of his wife’s silver she randomly stored at his office. He hoped it was an isolated incident.
The Sheriff’s Office does not have any suspect information to provide at this time for the first incident. The crimes are under investigation. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Sheriff’s Office by calling our Anonymous Tip-Line at 805-681-4171,” Hoover stated.
The locks have already been changed in many of the offices, and the Sheriff’s Department recommends having an alarm system or surveillance system, as well as keeping doors and windows locked. Citizens are encouraged if they see something, say something and report suspicious activity.