SYV Star Staff Report
Santa Ynez Valley resident Kelly Durbiano and her family met Noah Scott when her sons started Trivium Charter School in Lompoc and became fast friends with him and his two younger brothers.
“This is Noah’s chance for survival, he’s been fighting for almost a year and deserves every chance he can get to beat this! He and his family have remained so strong and faithful through this disease. Noah is loved by so many and needs our help to continue his fight,” Durban said.

Noah Scott of Lompoc
Noah has been battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia and is the son of police Cpl. Charles Scott and wife, Kristin. Noah is just 14 years-old and the Scott family have been the focus of support from the Lompoc community as he battles cancer after his diagnosis July 14, 2016. His situation turned dire as of Wednesday and the Scott family is asking anyone and everyone they can do donate blood.
“Noah is starting a new treatment where they are harvesting white blood cells in an effort to stimulate his healing, right now my dad is the only donor match. The treatment is every couple days. We are asking to help if you can. Noah needs platelets too. If you can donate the platelets will go directly to Noah!!! They will screen the blood to see if you match for the white cell treatment,” wrote his brother on the TeamNoah Facebook Page.
The now locally viral hashtag is “Team Noah. #You’ve got this kid.”
Noah was receiving treatment at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital, but was transported to UCLA Medical Center from complications beginning in May.

Noah Scott of Lompoc pictured with two football players Cody Davis and Greg Zuerlein, from the Los Angeles Rams team that came to visit him at the hospital.
The Lompoc Police Department is collecting donations for his family members who are traveling up and down the coast be with Noah. Anyone who wants to help out financially can donate to the family’s GoFundMe.
Donations also may be dropped off at the Lompoc police station, 107 Civic Center Plaza.
Those that are able to travel to UCLA to give blood to be tested for platelets should contact
Fernando Gironas
UCLA Blood and Platelet Center
The donation must be done at UCLA.
“I know it’s a long ways but this could be Noah’s ONLY shot to beat this. People have asked how can we help, here it is! They need 5-6 men (men are faster to process) to donate immediately but all are welcomed,” wrote his family.