Staff Report

In an effort to prevent visitation surges and the spread of COVID-19, the Santa Barbara County Community Services Department, Parks Division, has announced that County beach, park and trail vehicle access and parking will be closed should parks become too crowded. 

The County is appreciative that the community visits local parks responsibly. However, as the days become warmer more people are visiting beaches and parks, staying longer, and violating social distancing and guidelines about congregating. Park staff will be monitoring its parks regularly and will close parking and vehicle access if parks become too crowded. Parks with vehicular access closures may remain open provided visitors practice safe, physical distancing of six feet or more.

Please make your visit to parks short and only at off-peak hours. If the parking lot is busy, come back later, visit a less crowded park, and practice social distancing even while outdoors.

To date, temporary safety measures initiated by County Parks include closures of campgrounds, the Goleta Beach pier boat launch, playgrounds, dog parks, and BBQ and picnic areas. Large group events and weddings have been postponed or cancelled.  For up to date information on County Parks operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit